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The laptop computer for a first time user

The laptop computer for a first time user
by David Burton
Help in Choosing Your Next Computer
The time has come for a change, your desk top computer has outlived its usefulness with its slow loading applications.
Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as frustrating as picking a childrens dvd at blockbuster.
For starters you’ll need to decide what you want from your pc. Are you a"game" man or are you someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally do some smallbook keeping with simple word processing software?
If you’re into video games you’re going to want a computer that can handle the high level of graphics and superior sound quality. On the other hand if you’re not into all that kind of thing you can probably get by with a less expensive system,.Although you may have to spend more in the future on up-grading it
There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a new computer.
1) Purchase a "Brand Name" Computer 2) Purchase a "home made" Computer
A “BRAND-NAME” computer is one that is manufactured by a company that is recognizable by delletc
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Brand-Name” computers include:
Customer Support- always a comfort to a custoner, as all major makes have a service which you can rely on.
Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as a type of safe gaurd for you.
In case a part on your computer should fail you should be able to get the item fixed at zero charge just as long as the warranty has not expired.
Read and understand a company’s warranty policy BEFORE you buy a computer from them.
Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you with current software updates, user manuals, or basic troubleshooting help.
The use of name brand parts- this term refers to products that are unique to an single company and that company only.
So if a part was to malfunction on your machine after warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go to your local computer store and purchase any old part even if it was intended for the same function as the item that failed.
You would be forced to buy their part at probably a more expensive price
Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to place an order which is time consuming
People with a on-line based business would probably not be too happy with that situation at all.
Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a particular part such as the modem or sound port where you plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer main board (Also known as the Motherboard).
This means that if any of these parts should fail, you can’t just remove them from the computer and replace them with a new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main board and are stuck there.
A “CLONE” computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name counterpart with the exception that instead of company specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a clone computer are from several companies instead of only one.
Let’s say that if you were to go to a local company that builds “clone” computers, and you tell them what you need, chances are they don’t use parts that are specific to only that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies do.
This is a excellant because it means that they will probably use components that are interchangeable with many different brands and are easy to come by if needed.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Clone” computers include:
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.
This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not offering the high-end customer service.
Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone computer was built with parts that are not any one company specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can be used even if the brand is different.
NOTE: Before you buy any parts, consult the manual that should have came with your computer to make sure you get the correct part.
Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would with a brand-name computer company.
Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty covers before you make the purchase.
Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you can call if you have questions or concerns with your computer.
Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a 24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only be able to call during regular business hours.
Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one website that you can go to in order to find out information concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.
For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some research on the individual parts that went into the computer and visit the manufacturer’s website for troubleshooting tips.
laptop computers
dave is the owner of a new on-line computer shop

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