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"Replace Your Income With The Internet In 30 Days Or Less So You Can Dump Your Job And Work From Home On Your Schedule!"

"Replace Your Income With The Internet In 30 Days Or Less So You Can Dump Your Job And Work From Home On Your Schedule!"
by Bruce Seah
I've personally met Ewen Chia a few times and was very impressed by his consistent track records of making money online again and again and being the world's best affiliate!
Ewen has introduced an amazing program for you to make money, and now you have no excuse not to make money online because a top internet marketer is going to show you how to do it!
It's NOT Hard To Make Real Money Online And It Doesn't Have To Take Months To See Your First Consistent Buck - and you have a 100% Guarantee on it!
Now you can learn from an Internet multi-millionaire, Ewen Chia, "The Work From Home Guy" will show you step by step how to do it!
I know you hate the rat race and the daily grind of exchanging your hours for pay!
Aren't you tired of taking orders from somebody else?
Even more important, aren't you sick of living your life in fear of losing your job, your income and your family's security...all because some stupid boss decides he doesn't need you anymore?
I've been where you are, in fact I work 12 years for other people!
I had a job and it was work, work, work, eat, eat, eat and sleep!
Ewen saw a way out�"making money on the Internet�"but he made two dumb assumptions that kept him in his job prison for far too long...
Here what Ewen said: Making Money Online Isn't Hard...Or Slow
I assumed it was both, and you might too.
Some people have tried and never made a dime, or maybe made just enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck's. So they assume it's all a scam (it's not, as you'll see).
Some people are afraid to try, because they don't know much about computers, or they think you have to be some kind of super-technical genius (you don't).
Whatever the reason, most people either don't even try, or they try and give up. That keeps them stuck in the rat race for the rest of their natural lives.
Ewen said that most people never make that much just lazing around at home...and he now enjoys MULTIPLE streams of income!
And while he used to be buried in $100,000 in credit card debt, now he has enough "extra" money for 'toys':
He recently bought a Brand new Audi R8 US$300,000 - fully paid for by his internet business!)
He can't (and won't) promise you'll get there overnight, because he didn't do that himself. But here's the shocking news...
He'll Show You How To Make Big Cash In Just 30 Days
You won't be a millionaire in a week. That kind of promise really is a scam and you should avoid it like the plague. Those "get rich quick" schemes rarely work...or they're illegal.
But there are ways to make money on the Internet that DO work...virtually every time.
And you can see some real money within literally days!
Maybe you think making over $400 in three weeks is chump change. It may seem that way, but...
Just Do The Math
If you make $400 in three week, and you do it all year (and it's easy to do), you'll pull in a little more than $6,900.00 a year.
And if you can ramp that up to $400.00 per week (again, drop-dead easy to do), you'll pull in $20,800.00 a year.
Then you just push your weekly income up to $1,000 (yep, still easy), and you're making $52,000 a year, pretty much on complete autopilot.
You see, making money on the Internet isn't about the "big score", or the "big launch", or making a huge splash where you become famous. That can bring in massive cash, for sure, but making money isn't about that.
It's about making nice cash fast, then ramping up to make more. That kind of steady rise is what will give you financial freedom faster than you can imagine right now.
Here's what I mean. Do one other simple bit of arithmetic...
How Much Income Do You Need To Kiss Your Job Goodbye?
I bet it isn't as much as your current paycheck. That may shock you, but think about it...
If you were making $52,000 a year (did I mention that's EASY to do?) would you be able to tell your boss to go away? Most people would.
But what if you're currently making more than that. Could you survive on less? Probably, and in many countries (certainly the U.S.) you can get huge tax advantages from owning your own business...
Which means you can actually keep more of the money you make working for yourself. That brings freedom even closer.
Ewen will show you how to grab that freedom and run with it, almost literally right now... Three Proven, Easy Ways To See Cash In Just 30 Days Or Less!
We are not talking about the junk that tells you "sell products on the Internet" (yes, that's one of the ways) and then leaves you hanging and confused.
You are going to get three proven ways to see cash fast, so you can get your Internet career started right.
Best of all, Ewen covers everything in less than 50 pages of material crammed full of practical, easy-to-follow instructions. It's like the short version of a old novel you had to read in school...He has cut out all the boring, useless parts, and left you just the good stuff.
So what are you waiting for? Take action now!

Have You Heard Them Yet? Pay-Per-Play Audio Ads Hit the Internet!

Have You Heard Them Yet? Pay-Per-Play Audio Ads Hit the Internet!
by William Lund
Have you heard them yet? They are 5 second long audio advertisements that play when you land on a webpage that sports them. As you wait for the page to load, the ad plays. They are called Pay-Per-Play (PPP) Ads, and they might just be the next big thing in internet advertising.
PPP works on a bid management system similar to Google Adwords and will compensate publishers just like Google Adsense but with one critical difference...Publishers (website owners) will earn revenue on all of their traffic... no clicks necessary!
As a website owner you have the opportunity to earn 25% of the "per-play" revenue spent by the advertisers that play audio ads on your website. Another way you can earn is by simply referring other website owners, to run PPP ads on their website(s). You will earn a healthy 5% of the total amount that advertisers spend running ads on your referrals website(s). And finally, you to earn an additional 5% from anyone that your direct referrals bring on board as if you directly referred them!
PPP is a way for advertisers (Like Harley Davidson or Taco Bell) to serve a 5 second audio advertisement to website visitors. It is a way for advertisers to target their 5 second audio ad to specific interests, demographics, geographic locations, and even time of day. They are just heard, not seen, and there is nothing to click on, the ad just plays when a visitor enters a page that has the PPP code inserted. Website owners are paid "Per-Play" not "Per-Click".
Once a visitor hears an ad he can't be served another ad for at least 3 minutes. After 3 minutes if he refreshes the page or goes to another page that has the ad code, he will hear another ad.
Hundreds of millions of people go online every day, and nearly all of them have speakers hooked to their computers. This makes the Internet the world's largest listening device.
Pay-Per-Play offers a way for big advertisers to this huge audience through this massive listening network. This network is bigger than television, radio and all other forms of media combined! The advertisers can target the ads contextually to match the site, or geographically, or even time-of-day.
Unlike Television and Radio, the listener is sitting at the computer, having just clicked on a link to open a new page in their browser. They are attentive and waiting in anticipation for the new page to load when the ad plays. The ad grabs their attention and they actually think about it.
With TV and Radio, the listener is often in the bathroom, or in the kitchen grabbing a snack, or even speeding down the turnpike, and unable to respond even if they do hear the ad. Not so with 5 second audio ads.
There is one thing that will determine how well this program works and indeed if it will even survive. For the program to work, the ads will have to work. If the ads work for the advertisers, and I think they will, then the advertisers will clamor for the ads, and the publishers will flock to the program.
So will the whole thing work? We will just have to wait and listen...

Money for bloggers: the time of the Greatest Golden Opportunity

Money for bloggers: the time of the Greatest Golden Opportunity
by Marina Smiley
There is a saying "that the best time to plant a tree was twenty-five years ago. The second best time is now!"
We are lucky to live in a time when the Internet is developing at a fast pace, and there is a place for everybody. I am confident that the next generation will call our present era "The Time of The Greatest Golden Opportunity."
Nowadays every person has a chance to start an Internet business that could bring a decent income for years to come. Surprisingly, not many people think to use the Internet as a source of income. They may be scared of running into great difficulties by believing in the different myths that are floating around.
The most common myth about doing business on the Internet is the notion that to make money online one needs a web site. Fortunately for the beginner, there are a few simple and cost-free methods of earning an income online that does not require owning a website. One very effective way is the art of blogging.
Blogs are online journals which most people use as personal diaries, chronicle of news events, and for communicating with people of similar interests.
There are millions of blogs on the Internet about any subject imaginable...
Regardless of one's age and Internet experience, anyone can make their own personal blog. That is why you will see blogs made by teenagers as well as senior citizens.
A few examples of blogging can be described as follow:
-Stay at home moms share their experience about raising their children
-Politicians create blogs to gain greater exposure around potential voters and their current constituents
-Teens use blogs for meeting friends on the Internet or just for sharing their thoughts with other teens
-Sport enthusiasts write about all types of sporting events from football to car racing
-Many adults and teens, who share common interests, love to comment about famous singers, movie stars, television personalities and shows
Lately more and more blog owners have found out that their blogs can be easily turned into money makers. By doing so, an average Internet user without any technical skill could begin to enjoy a decent stream of income.
The best news is that you too can duplicate their success. Creating a blog is so simple that within 5 minutes anyone can create their own! Start by going to the website Follow the instructions, and open a free blogging account.
Have you ever heard of individuals who claim that they could conduct their internet business while sitting on a beach or traveling around the world? Well, as an owner of a blog, you have the same opportunity!
Blogs can be updated not only from your home computer, but from Internet cafes, your friends and relatives computers, from public libraries, hotels, and airports. Regardless of where you are, as long as you have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet, you can make any necessary changes to your blogs. In the case of an audio-blog, you don't need a computer because it can be updated through the telephone. runs the software, and this service is free. You don't have to worry about the technical aspect nor the expense of running it. What could be better? But I have to admit that there are thousands of blogs and Internet sites that have never made a dime for their owners. In order to make money from a blog, one has to know how to do it correctly.


by JR Lang
THE TOOLS TO GET MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC: How to get more website traffic is often THE most daunting task of Internet Marketing and getting ranked high in search results is often one of the most daunting tasks of SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is a long term goal in building your Internet business. There are several topics within the general subject of SEO but it is a well known fact that Article Marketing is one of the most effective and has the greatest benefits. Also Article Marketing is a very effective and quick way to increase relevant targeted website traffic to your site due to the ability of article directories to rank high in search results.
Here's the Nut Shell: Articles with relevant Keywords = Backlinks = Higher Search Engine Rank Pages (serps) = More Website Traffic.
The MORE QUALITY BACKLINKS you have THE HIGHER YOUR WEBSITE WILL RANK IN SEARCH ENGINES which gives you MORE EXPOSURE in SEARCH RESULTS which means MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC(that is also targeted IF you make sure to use relevant targeted KW)
1. Basically "backlinks" are links that guide readers back to your website. When other sites link their pages to yours then that's a BACKLINK!
2. In the business of Internet Marketing it is a well known fact that a strong linking strategy ensures that your site receives lots and lots of qualified, pre-sold website traffic interested in buying whatever you have for sale.
3. And if you're looking to increase web site traffic with SEO (search engine optimization) backlinks are just the biggest thing since electricity. That's because the major search engines use the presence of backlinks to decide where your site ranks in the search engine results (serps). The all mighty Googlebot, Yahoo and all search engines spiders LOVE to see backlinks going to your site when they crawl the web and it is important to understand that they should be quality backlinks such as those that stem from article directory sites, like ezine, which is one of the best!
AND: The MORE ARTICLES you have out there the MORE BACKLINKS you have and that means a lot MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC FOR YOU!
THAT ladies and gentlemen is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) done right!!
ALSO: Articles with relevant KW = Readers who are Presold for whatever you're selling and THOSE READERS get a link to your site = Increase in Highly Relevant Website Traffic for you!
Articles with Relevant Keywords: There is another great benefit to Article Marketing. Besides the benefit of backlinks, quality article directories rank VERY high on Google and Yahoo, and rank quickly. The KEY is to use relevant targeted keywords in your articles and this way you get readers who are PRESOLD and looking for whatever your product or service AND those readers get a link to your site which means not only just an increase in web traffic BUT an increase in RELEVANT, HIGHLY TARGETED website traffic. For example, let's say you are selling laptop computers. The KW "laptop" is NOT a highly targeted kw, it is too broad and could mean a surfer is looking for anything within the subject of laptop. BUT if you narrow it down to "buy cheap laptops" there you have a kw that probably targets the people looking to buy a laptop. The more targeted and relevant the kw the better the conversions will be. Also the more narrow your kw the smaller the competition gets. If you do an search in google for "laptop" you will get 190,000,000 competing sites, BUT if you search for "buy cheap laptops" you will get 26,700 competing sites, a BIG difference.
Now, there are two ways to submit articles to article directories and the submission process is another important aspect in regards to your sanity, as well as, your campaign.
OPTION 1: Manual Article Submission: You add each article to each article site one by one. Which means that you go to each site (and there are 1000's of them) and manually submit each of your articles one at a time. Remember that if you only submit to a couple of sites that only means a couple of backlinks. Manual Submission also means: You have to find all the best article submission sites one by one, bookmark them on your computer, read each of their submission guidelines (they all have them), make sure you stick to those guidelines to get published and keep track of what you submitted to who in order to avoid duplicates. Remember that the whole point is to get lots and lots of backlinks and increase your sites exposure for targeted kw in order to get more website traffic, so the more articles you put out there the more backlinks the more website traffic for you!
If you have never experienced manual submission then go ahead and try it, believe me you'll want to shoot yourself within 5 days. Instead of writing articles to get more website traffic you spend most of your time on the submission process. It's like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon. There is a better way.
OPTION 2: AUTOMATIC ARTICLE SUBMISSION: You submit each of your articles to 5,186 sites and 66,236 people with the press of ONE button. Plus you Get: 1. Automatic tracking 2. Automatic relevant categorizing 3. Mainstreamed submission guidelines 4. Professional reviews of each article to make sure your articles get published. 5. Lots of help with actual writing and more...
MOST IMPORTANT: You spend your time writing and getting TONS of quality BACKLINKS which means MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC for you!!
To learn more on how to get MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC and how to automatically submit your articles to 5,186 SITES and 66,236 PUBLISHERS with the push of a button CLICK HERE: MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC
After you visit the home page of that link and browse around to learn more information make sure to got to the "Todays Special" Tab and save half off the regular price.

Do Not Forget to Check Out Various Components Before Getting a Notebook Computer

Do Not Forget to Check Out Various Components Before Getting a Notebook Computer
by Victor Epand
When you are about to purchase a cheap notebook computer, the most important component that should be examined is the central processing unit. There are only two processors that you should consider for a notebook computer, and they are the Intel Core 2 Duo and the Intel Core Duo. These two chips are regarded as the most reliable and are the top of the line. Both processors are available in notebook computers that are on the market for less than $1000.
There are several notebook computers that you can easily find within a very affordable price range. These systems are using older technology, since technology changes so quickly. You will probably have to buy another computer within a year or two. When looking for a cheap notebook computer, get one that will last you about four years. That will save you a few hundred dollars in the long run. In other words, don't buy technology that is too old. Do some research before making a purchase, and don't assume that the cheapest one is the best idea.
Another thing that you should be aware of when shopping for a cheap notebook computer is the RAM, memory. You need to make sure that the memory is fast enough to run the operating system that you plan to use. You should also pay attention to software or computer games that you will be using, and make sure there is enough RAM on the computer for those things. You can add extra memory on the computer for a small fee and have it installed for you, to make sure your computer will run fast enough.
Battery life is also a very important thing when you are considering buying a notebook computer. The main purpose of getting a notebook computer is so that you can be mobile. If you have to constantly plug in your computer, what is it use? A fully charged battery on a quality notebook computer can last between 3 to 6 hours. (The central processing unit plays an important role in the battery life. The more programs you are running, the faster the battery will drain.)
When you are looking for a cheap notebook computer, you should also consider the hard drive space. This is a very important factor. If your computer does not have enough space, it will constantly run slow. If you don't use very many media files, a 60 to 80 GB hard drive will be fine for you. If you do plan to use a lot of media files, you should get a bigger hard drive.
There are various websites where you can easily get the information about price, features, and discounts available for notebook computers. Use the internet as a resource, and go get the best computer within your budget.

Computer and Internet Litigation

Computer and Internet Litigation
by Patricia Woloch
I don’t know of a human being alive who is not aware of the Internet and just how vital a source of information and commerce it has become in recent years. The Internet has become vital to the survival of businesses all over the world, not just in the United States. As the Internet is an ever-expanding entity, the laws governing its use grow more and more complex each year.
Nowadays, because of the Internet, you can buy just about anything you need without ever leaving your house, you can order prescriptions, you can gamble, you can “date,” and you can buy and sell stocks. Those are just a few of the many luxuries (and vices) the Internet affords us day to day.
With the growing importance of the Internet to just about every aspect of life as we know it, legal issues regarding electronic communications, electronically stored information, hardware and software come up daily.
Issues that involve computer and Internet issues include the following:• Unwanted text messages• Unwanted faxes• Digital trespassing• Infringement of computers and cell phones• Infringement of internet use• Invasion of privacy• Software and hardware licensing• Internet domain name disputes• Internet fraud• Internet defamation• E-commerce
In this age of ever-expanding computer use and Internet dependence, it is crucial to find an attorney who is knowledgeable about these aspects of law if you have been wronged or financially harmed via the Internet.


A Purchase Guide For Notebooks

A Purchase Guide For Notebooks
by Roberto Sedycias
The term Notebook computers and laptop computer is often used interchangeably. However notebook computers are smaller, lighter and costlier than laptop computers. You can carry this computer with you when you are away on a business trip, can watch movies and access internet also.
The first notebook computer which was launched in the market in 1981 was expensive and was not as versatile like present day computers .Portable versions of laptops were launched in the market by IBM and Epsom in 1983.
With introduction of Windows 95, the world of notebook computers took a giant leap forward and was now able to compete with other personal computers because of the operating system and the advancement of technology. Prices of these computers started falling, attracting more consumers. Life of battery improved and acids were no longer required. The notebook computers now consumed less power and could hold more data.
Notebook computers come in various sizes. For a quick reference, have a look at the following figures (without power adaptors and accessories): Tablet PC - it weighs less that 3 lbs; Ultra Portable - it weighs less than 4 lbs and less than 1.3 inches thick with size between 10 and 11 inches; Thin and Light - it is between 1 and 1.4 inches thick and weighs between 5 to 7 lbs with size from 11 to 14 inches; Desktop replacements (Largest) - it is 1.5 inches thick and heavier than 7 lbs. Size between 11 and 13 inches.
Some important points are listed here which may help you to have an informed purchasing decision:
Size and Weight: The point to remember that while choosing a very lightweight and small size, you may have to sacrifice some items such as drives. So you have to decide what you want.
Processor: Note book processors perform like desktop processors. Dual core processors carry multitasking and are common. Notebook processors directly impact the battery life and performance of the computers. For Intel premier processor, higher the number, the faster it will process. The rotational speed of the disk also affects the performance of these computers.
Memory (RAM): For Windows XP and Mac OS X, at least 256 MB is required. However the capacity of RAM is increasing with new varieties of notebook computer and in some machines it is 2 GB even!
Displays and Video: In a notebook computer video consists of video processor and display. Again the display consists of native resolution and screen size. But portability will be reduced with larger display. These days the popularity for the wide screen displays is increasing. Performance of PC gaming and 3D graphics will be determined by graphic processor.
Drives: Optical drives play an important role in notebook computers. These may be simple CD ROM drives to the high definition DVD burners. Most notebook computers these days are equipped with a dual layer DVD burner.
Connections: Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g, Fujitsu lifebook N6010 having trimode of 802.11a/b/g, etc are different wireless system available with notebook computers. Transferring rate of data depend on the type of wireless connection chosen.
Battery Life: Notebook computers come with four cell, 6 cell, and 8 cell batteries. Normal battery life is 2 to 3 hours. However 5 or 6 hours battery life is also available these days. Generally, the bigger the notebook computer, the lower is the battery life.
Warranty Plans: Make sure that you get at least one year warranty from the manufacturer while choosing your notebook computer. A system having a three year warranty will be a better choice if you are going to use your computer extensively.
It is suggested that you should update your knowledge periodically by logging onto the net keeping in mind the factors which need to be checked as stated above.

Internet Authors don't use quills

Internet Authors don't use quills
by Mike Scantlebury
In the 1980s I was a member of an active writing circle. We were discussing that old chestnut, 'how to write', and one member proudly said that he couldn't be bothered with these new-fangled word processors that were just about starting to appear in offices and homes. No, he said, he had an electric typewriter. That was good enough for him. It did all he wanted to do and produced submittable copy. He had got used to it, it suited him and he was happy to stick with it. Other, more modern members, saw the benefits of computer technology and were anxious to talk about which machine to buy, value for money, and suppliers. It provoked a lively debate. That is, until one member pointedly said: 'Shakespeare used a quill pen. That was good enough for him. If we aspire to wanting to write as well as the Old Bard, why don't we copy his methods?'
Well, we don't, most of us. If you've seen that film, 'Shakespeare in Love', you will know that writing with a quill is awkward and messy. It's a skill that has to be learned from an early age, and not something to be dabbled with. Yes, England's greatest playwright used that method, but then, he didn't have a lot of choice. In one way he was very modern: he could write. A generation before, the only people in the country who could use a pen at all would have been the landed gentry and monks. Shakespeare was very lucky in having received an education, of sorts, and so could put pen to paper. The only alternative, then and earlier, would have been for him to make the stuff up and dictate it to someone who had the literary skills to record it. Even earlier, poets simply memorised what they created. We call them Troubadours, and imagine that that was a romantic age, forgetting the damn hard work that committing words to memory involves, (and the problems of trying to recall the words later ' think Bob Dylan).
The answer, of course, is that writers have used all manner and means of 'writing' through the ages. That best-selling novelist Jeffrey Archer is very proud of the fact that he drafts all his works by hand, then gives them to a selection of secretaries to put on word processor, then works with an Editor at his publisher to buff up the draft and turn it into saleable copy. One of the most prolific authors of modern times, the creator of Perry Mason, Earle Stanley Gardener, never wrote a single word down in his life. He spoke every paragraph of all his novels into a Dictaphone and then again, paid a secretary to take the tapes and type them up for him. The best-selling romantic novelist Barbara Cartland used to lie in luxury on silk covered sofas and was accustomed to speaking her words into the scented air in front of her. A secretary was sitting behind her, out of sight, taking down the prose in shorthand. Ho hum, a rich variety. Take your pick.
In modern times, we have moved on, (or so we pretend). However, be warned: a computer, or dedicated word processor, is no longer the height of sophistication and the way of the future. It all depends, you see, on where the words are going, I mean, who you are planning to send them to. The problem for modern authors is that most of them still assume they have to deal with very old-fashioned Traditional Publishers. These business people haven't moved on since the 1930s. They still expect writers to send them printed copy, probably a sample chapter and a synopsis if you are a novelist. From the point of view of this kind of publisher, it doesn't matter what manner or means were used to produce that copy, it's all good. Dictaphone, secretaries, computer or even electric typewriter, it all comes out as black print on white paper, and as long as it's double spaced and single sided, it meets their requirements ' well, as least as far as submission rules are concerned. There is still no guarantee that your neatly printed proposal will be accepted, or even looked at. It rather depends on who you are.
Meanwhile, back in the present, the twenty first century, Internet Authors are finding the whole process has grown increasingly irrelevant. Since they don't have to ever print out anything, and can move their computer files directly to a print-on-demand publisher like on-line, there is no question of doing anything else. They sit down on their home computers, create the stories and novels, and upload them electronically. The only time the words are ever printed out is when the final publication is produced and the book is mailed to your home. In that all-encompassing process, there is no need for any middlemen, even if they are attractive secretaries, and no need for other methods ' apart from the keyboard. Some time soon that may go as well, in which case Voice Recognition software will remove another stage in the process. Then, all you do is talk to your computer, and after some juggling around on the computer screen, a book will arrive on your doormat.
The production process, therefore, has become meaningless to the Internet Author. The only step you have to take is to get the ideas out of your head and onto a computer screen. Everything else follows. Of course, that doesn't guarantee quality. Back to the 1980s, and one Traditional Publisher complained that 'young men' had read about the success of Jeffrey Archer in their magazines and seen pictures of him sitting with his secretaries in front of a word processor. 'I've got one of those', they said to themselves, 'It doesn't look so hard', and they would sit down and try and churn out a 'best seller', just like Jeffrey did. They failed. After several attempts, they might have had to admit that they weren't the 'born story teller' that Lord Archer always claims to be. Maybe that's a good thing. Computers and the internet make writing and publishing easier, which means, as time goes on, it will also be easier to find the good writers, the imaginative authors, and the ones with something to say. Others may drop by the wayside, but it will be because they are unreadable, it won't be because the technology has diverted them into thinking that having a quill pen in your hand can make you an immortal poet.

The laptop computer for a first time user

The laptop computer for a first time user
by David Burton
Help in Choosing Your Next Computer
The time has come for a change, your desk top computer has outlived its usefulness with its slow loading applications.
Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as frustrating as picking a childrens dvd at blockbuster.
For starters you’ll need to decide what you want from your pc. Are you a"game" man or are you someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally do some smallbook keeping with simple word processing software?
If you’re into video games you’re going to want a computer that can handle the high level of graphics and superior sound quality. On the other hand if you’re not into all that kind of thing you can probably get by with a less expensive system,.Although you may have to spend more in the future on up-grading it
There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a new computer.
1) Purchase a "Brand Name" Computer 2) Purchase a "home made" Computer
A “BRAND-NAME” computer is one that is manufactured by a company that is recognizable by delletc
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Brand-Name” computers include:
Customer Support- always a comfort to a custoner, as all major makes have a service which you can rely on.
Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as a type of safe gaurd for you.
In case a part on your computer should fail you should be able to get the item fixed at zero charge just as long as the warranty has not expired.
Read and understand a company’s warranty policy BEFORE you buy a computer from them.
Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you with current software updates, user manuals, or basic troubleshooting help.
The use of name brand parts- this term refers to products that are unique to an single company and that company only.
So if a part was to malfunction on your machine after warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go to your local computer store and purchase any old part even if it was intended for the same function as the item that failed.
You would be forced to buy their part at probably a more expensive price
Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to place an order which is time consuming
People with a on-line based business would probably not be too happy with that situation at all.
Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a particular part such as the modem or sound port where you plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer main board (Also known as the Motherboard).
This means that if any of these parts should fail, you can’t just remove them from the computer and replace them with a new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main board and are stuck there.
A “CLONE” computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name counterpart with the exception that instead of company specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a clone computer are from several companies instead of only one.
Let’s say that if you were to go to a local company that builds “clone” computers, and you tell them what you need, chances are they don’t use parts that are specific to only that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies do.
This is a excellant because it means that they will probably use components that are interchangeable with many different brands and are easy to come by if needed.
Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Clone” computers include:
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.
This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not offering the high-end customer service.
Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone computer was built with parts that are not any one company specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can be used even if the brand is different.
NOTE: Before you buy any parts, consult the manual that should have came with your computer to make sure you get the correct part.
Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would with a brand-name computer company.
Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty covers before you make the purchase.
Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you can call if you have questions or concerns with your computer.
Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a 24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only be able to call during regular business hours.
Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one website that you can go to in order to find out information concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.
For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some research on the individual parts that went into the computer and visit the manufacturer’s website for troubleshooting tips.
laptop computers
dave is the owner of a new on-line computer shop